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Geoboard Active Learning
Geoboards are useful for teaching shapes, angles, area and perimeter. Size: 15 x 15 cm
$5.50 Incl. GST
Manipulate the rubber bands to explore lines, shapes and pictures. Includes 25 rubber bands in four colors and assorted sizes with 12 examples
1 in stock
SKU: 9313023219986
Contents: A4 Flexible Write-me Board, Mini Eraser, Dry Erase Black Marker in a handy storage wallet.
SKU: 9312828005336
20 sheets of A4 110 gsm paper
SKU: 1001172
Traditional reader cover protects your books and more from wear and tear, dirt, and more.
SKU: 9311181112057
Alternate pages: feint 8mm ruling and 2mm graph. Wire stitched.